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Our top priority while designing Numbers League was fun, even though it is a bit more sophisticated than most current game-oriented education offerings.  It is designed to be engaging for a very wide range of students, and for a very long time.

While the easier levels are solved using relatively simple arithmetic, competence in the higher levels develops algebraic skills, working memory, strategic planning, and concentration.  To see Numbers League's full potential, please play a Superhero Level game to completion with a colleague or the #3 (hardest) robot opponent, who is a worthy adversary.

Numbers League establishes several Common Core standards directly.

Minion Level games and above:

    - K.CC.7, K.OA.5, 1.OA.3, 1.OA.5

Sidekick Level games and above:

    - 1.OA.4, 1.OA.6

Hero Level games and above:

    - K.NBT.1

Numbers League also indirectly supports acquisition of many other Common Core standards.

Minion Level games and above 

    - K.CC.2, K.CC.6, K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.NBT.1, 1.OA.7, 1.OA.8, 2.OA.2

Sidekick Level games and above

    - 2.NBT.9

Hero Level games and above

    - K.CC.3

Custom and Superhero Level games, with multiplicative devices

    - 3.OA.1, 3.OA.4, 3.OA.5, 3.OA.7

Below is a list of fundamental mathematical concepts in Numbers League.

Addition from 3 to 14: Minion Level.

Addition and subtraction from 3 to 20: Sidekick Level.

Addition and subtraction from 3 to 26: Hero Level.  With 24 villains, Hero Level also begins to develop working memory, strategic planning, and concentration.

Negative sums: Custom Level can be used to concentrate work on negative numbers and subtraction; negative sums are also present in Superhero Level.

Multiplication: Custom Level can be used to concentrate work on multiplication by 2, 3, 4, or 5, or multiplication in general, and begins to develop algebraic skills and advanced working memory, and strategic planning.

Addition, subtraction, and multiplication from -10 to 50: Superhero Level

Note, too, that the game's options can be used to adjust several aspects of gameplay.  Competitive players will enjoy setting the action to a faster pace, setting a timer to limit turn duration, and charging points for hints.



Copyright © 2013 Chris Pallace & Ben Crenshaw (all worldwide rights reserved) All trademarks are the property of Chris Pallace & Ben Crenshaw. Notice is hereby given that Ben Crenshaw and Chris Pallace claim exclusive rights to all card faces, card backs, card symbols, characters and other distinguishing characteristics which are unique to our games.